Monday, August 12, 2013


I have been a busy bee the past few weeks since coming back from vacation getting my brand new classroom together.  After no less than 15 trips to Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michaels and the Dollar Tree, not to mention countless hours spent online shopping (one of my fave hobbies), I can proudly say that I am ready to greet 14 smiling little kiddos in the morning. 

Tonight's Back-to-School meet and greet was a huge success.  I found the cutest little idea online and had to whip it up for my kinders today.  It is called "Ready Confetti and Jitter Glitter".  It came with a precious poem to help the kiddos calm their nerves about Back-to-School in the morning and it has MAGIC powers in it, people! Love it!  I will post more pics tomorrow! <3 I might need about 10 packs of Jitter Glitter before it's over with! ;-)

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